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Overhead photo of baked soft pretzels with beer cheese dipping sauce
Bread Snacks

Baked Soft Pretzels with Beer Cheese Dip

If you were to ask Annie what my eating habits were like at home, she’d probably describe it as if the Cookie Monster one day decided that cookies were just not that interesting to him anymore because he’s discovered crackers, potato chips, and other…

Posted by Shaun on October 21, 2020
Plated arancini with sauce
Appetizers Leftovers Side Dishes

Leftover Risotto Arancini

Say it with me now: arancini. Air-uhn-chee-knee. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. If you haven’t, let me tell you now, you are seriously missing out. Call it the Italian version of fried macaroni and cheese balls, these bad boys are breaded…

Posted by Shaun on September 22, 2020
Risotto plated in a bowl
Entrees Side Dishes

“Empty the Cheese Drawer” Risotto

Don’t you just hate it when your cheese drawer is filled with little bits of cheeses, just haunting you every time you open the fridge like orphaned ghosts of charcuterie boards past? No? Just us? Well, as self-proclaimed cheese enthusiasts, we are apt to…

Posted by Annie on September 21, 2020